About Us
When we looked at the online market for Yoga we realised many websites had moved to a host a bunch of videos which run and multiple users subscribe to. It seems to be more of a money making machine than a genuine passion for a student to feel energized with Yoga.
Here, our vision is to keep things live as much as possible. A recorded video is no where as engaging and valuable to students as having a Teacher that understands in real time your needs on that particular day. Everybodys’ energy levels change and a live Teacher will be able to offer a session that is more suited to how you are feeling on that day.
Our Vision
For any student who appreciates Yoga in all its forms all know the benefits it brings. Having then spent many many hours studying. Students might then consider to go on to teach others. As mentioned above it seems the current crop of Yoga sites want to take a monthly subscription and offer you a video to watch..kind of shutting off the door for enthusiastic students of Yoga who have put the time in to now teach. Here we will try to uphold a window of opportunity to any and all experienced and certified teachers to practice their craft.