Online Yoga

The Benefits of Doing Yoga Online with a Teacher

It is inevitable for Yoga to eventually take that digital leap forward. After all, the practice has been around for more than a thousand years. It is bound to adapt to whatever tech is available for its practitioners.

And fortunately for you, there are online Yoga classes out there that you can join and are handled by licensed teachers. However, the question is this: should you even bother with online yoga classes?

The short answer, obviously, is a Yes. But to really answer that question, let’s take a closer look at what these classes can offer to you.

What does Online Yoga Bring?

So what are you exactly setting yourself up for when you apply for an online yoga class? Here are some of the benefits.

  1. It’s Cheaper

Membership for any program that is located in a studio will always be expensive. After all, you will be paying for a lot of things there aside from your instructor’s fee, chief among them being rent.

Also, there’s the commute which can be expensive and time-consuming. If you consider every cost you have for a typical yoga class, at the end of each month it could end up costing you more than a fancy dinner.

But with online yoga, you can cut out both your expenses and time as you only have to spend on an online subscription. And as for your gear, most likely you already have everything you need to go through an online session easily especially a computer and Internet connection. Depending on where you live, your expenses for online sessions are going to be in between half or a quarter of a studio membership.

  1. Flexibility

We are not talking exactly about the physical flexibility that you can achieve with any Yoga class. What online Yoga does is that helps you free your time up for a day and learn at your own pace.

There is no set time as to when a session ends and begins. Most sessions are pre-recorded anyway. All you have to do is to pick the period that fits your schedule the most and start.

This way, your learning of Yoga does not come at the expense of your other priorities. Also, the removal of the commute means that you can start focusing on whatever task you have in mind as soon as your class ends.

  1. Accessibility

If there is one common complaint about Western Yoga i.e. the Yoga that has been popularized by the media, it would be that it has become too, for the lack of a better word, corporate. There’s a certain no-nonsense air about some yoga studios that could intimidate a lot of people.

Also, the offerings at a Yoga studio are limited to whatever style their teachers have specialized in. There is that chance that the classes there will not resonate with what you are looking for.

With an online yoga class, you are able to pick and choose which Yoga styles you want to engage in. there are classes out there that help you improve your body’s performance, help you meditate, or just let you express all that negative emotions brewing within you in a non-destructive manner. You only have to pick these classes from your computer and you are good to go.

Also, if you are socially awkward, online classes help you practice Yoga at the comfort of your own home. This way, you don’t have to worry about people silently judging you as you do your poses.

  1. The Learning is Still Great

What you have to remember is that the only difference between your typical Yoga class with its online version is the format. You are still going to get the best possible experience with these classes without having to step outside of your room.

With online yoga, you can get to learn from yoga practitioners around the world without having to spend a single dime for travel. If you are lucky enough, you can get acquainted with more than 4 styles of Yoga in a single program.

And do not worry about the teaching method since Yoga, by design, is non-contact. You only have to look at what the teacher is demonstrating and listen closely to their instructions to go through each pose properly.

  1. Replayability

Here’s a scenario with an online course of Yoga: you are in the middle of a session but one of the poses is giving you trouble. Also, you notice that the teacher is moving towards the next pose. So what do you do? You hit the pause button and go back to that part.

One of the advantages of an online class that a studio class cannot offer is the ability to pause an entire class without annoying the other students. If a certain part is giving you a hard time, you can stop the session and keep repeating that part until you master it.

This means that every style now that would have taken a few more sessions to master can be learned with just one video. That includes Savasana.

  1. The Live Option

If you feel that the current format is still a bit too detached for you, there is always the option to attend  Live classes. Here, an actual teacher will be teaching students from across the world and at a specific period.

Although some of the benefits are sacrificed here like the ability to hit pause and choosing your own schedule, going Live means that you can interact with other people as you learn Yoga. At the very least, this deals with the isolated nature of online classes. In addition, a live class opens up the possibility of being taught one-to-one in a private session so the teacher is fully engaged in teaching specifically you.

Making the Most Out of Your Classes

As with all things, the amount of fun and learning you will have with Yoga depends greatly on you. It won’t matter what style you focus on or how often you do your classes in a week. What you get from it is truly up to you.

With that in mind, there are a few things that you have to remember whenever you attend online yoga classes.

  1. Preparation

First things first, you have to find space large enough to do your classes in. There is no exact measurement here but just make sure that you find a room where you can stretch your limbs to their fullest from at all directions and with enough clearance.

And while we are talking about clearance, you have to make sure that your yoga place is somewhere that is free from any hazard. Clean the floor around your matt to avoid slipping. Also, just remove anything that can get easily knocked down whenever you have to move from pose to pose. Ventilation should also be considered as you want to have access to clean air for your sessions.

Lastly, if exposure is a concern of yours, find a place where you can do the classes in privacy. This way, you don’t bother anyone else and they don’t bother you in return.

  1. Check Your Equipment

For Yoga, the Medium is always the Message. What that simply means is that your equipment can determine how much you can enjoy from a single session. Before class, make sure that your computer or mobile device is functional. Aside from that, make sure that the connection is stable and the sounds are audible enough.

You typically could attend via your regular smart phone as many these days have large enough of a screen, otherwise a tablet will be ideal. With a smartphone you could also get an inexpensive floor standing selfie stick so you don’t have to fiddle with angles and holding the tech.Many classes online are held through technologies such as Zoom, or Google Meet all made famous during covid.

This will really help you in live classes as you don’t have the option to repeat portions of the session in case of an interruption.

And in the event of a worst-case scenario like poor connection, a sudden power outage, or a poorly-timed call of nature, don’t worry. Most schools will have their live classes be made available on replay a few hours later.

  1. Timing Things Right

So, when should you have your classes? That really depends on your situation. You can make things easier for yourself by looking at a few aspects.

First is your chosen Yoga style. Some styles are great for warming your body up while others are ideal for wind-downs. Some are neat for physical exertion while others focus on mental and spiritual catharses. Thus, you have to assign your classes based on what you need from Yoga.

Also, you have to look at your schedule. Yoga is best practiced before or immediately after a busy day. With that, you should have your options narrowed down to early morning or late evening. Whatever the case, pick the slot that allows you to focus on the session as intensely as possible.

  1. Discipline

Once classes start, the only thing that will ensure the success of the session is your conduct. If possible, try to follow all instructions properly and listen to whatever the teacher is saying. This is important especially in poses that require you to balance yourself.

If you are watching a pre-recorded class, try to refrain from hitting pause regularly. Make sure that the sequence is followed from start to end with minimal distractions.

If done right, you should have a rather rewarding session with your Yoga class. Just remember that what you can get from each session depends greatly on your perspective. Don’t worry as a professionally-trained Yoga Teacher will guide you through every step so you can achieve your goals within a reasonable time-frame. With the right class and the assistance of an excellent teacher, you should be able to practice Yoga in its fullest in no time.

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